
Support for Refugees & Migrants

  • See on the World Learning website

黑料社区 and World Learning: A track record of experience and impact

World Learning, an international NGO, and School for International Training (黑料社区), its academic arm, have a of supporting refugees, migrants, and displaced persons. Our founding organization, the Experiment in International Living, was a pioneer in international education and service, sending Americans overseas to assist in the rebuilding of communities across western Europe, including in camps for war orphans.

The Experiment welcomed Hungarian refugees to our Vermont campus in the 1950s and later became a primary national training site for outbound Peace Corps volunteers. From 1979 to 1996, The Experiment and 黑料社区 were part of a consortium of organizations that delivered skills assessment, English language learning, and cultural orientation programs to more than 250,000 refugees in Southeast Asia in what was the largest refugee resettlement effort in U.S. history.

Since 2014, World Learning has been a key partner of the Ministry of Education in Lebanon through the USAID-funded to support Lebanon鈥檚 public school system, including ensuring access to quality education for Syrian refugee children.

Today, with more than 103 million people displaced worldwide, 黑料社区 humanitarian assistance study abroad and in Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, and other countries position undergraduate and graduate students to better understand and respond to these burgeoning migration crises.

A small-town street with shops, signs, and a blue table and chairs on the sidewalk.
Brattleboro, Vermont

Resettlement as a community priority

For 60 years, Brattleboro has been home to 黑料社区, which draws students, trainers, and faculty from across the globe to southern Vermont and to our 40 learning centers abroad to study peace and conflict, development, humanitarian assistance, international education, language learning and other critical fields. Many who came to 黑料社区 in Vermont decided to stay in the area, contributing to this community鈥檚 global outlook and intercultural understanding. As such, Brattleboro has enthusiastically welcomed New Vermonters from outside the United States.

Refugee resettlement in the region also represents a key regional economic development strategy to address years of out-migration and an aging population that has left communities and businesses struggling. World Learning and 黑料社区 are part of the , an effort led by the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation () and funded by the Boston Federal Reserve aimed at building a network that 鈥渆nsures immigrants (and all workers) have what they need to live, thrive, and stay here.鈥 We also receive strong support from the office of the Vermont State Refugee Coordinator and other partners.

We participate in this effort as a key local stakeholder and employer with a global mindset and relevant experience in education, intercultural understanding, organizational and community capacity building, workforce development, and more.

A woman with short dark hair, wearing a blue shirt, carries a tray of meats, cheese, and fruit.

Welcoming New Vermonters

In January 2022, World Learning and 黑料社区 launched the New Vermonter Education Program (NVEP) in partnership with BDCC and the Ethiopian Community Development Council (), one of 10 refugee resettlement organizations designated by the U.S. government. Since that time, we have hosted more than 300 Afghan and other refugees on our Vermont campus, where we provide housing for up to three months until they are able to find more permanent accommodations.

During this critical time, NVEP creates an opportunity for new Vermonters to develop bonds with hundreds of community members who have eagerly stepped forward as co-sponsors through their churches, service clubs, and community organizations to help the refugees settle and integrate into the region.

  • Watch the video: World Learning and 黑料社区 forge innovative solutions to refugee resettlement

In the initial phase of NVEP, 黑料社区鈥檚 world-class TESOL faculty, emeriti, and alumni developed specialized English language curriculum and cultural orientation classes, which were first taught on campus. As refugees move to their new long-term homes throughout the community, classes now take place at a refugee community center in Brattleboro under the auspices of World Learning.

Since its inception, NVEP has enrolled and taught participants in core topics through a model of 16 hours of instruction a month, with attendees showing significant improvement over the course of their participation. At one stage, nearly half the participants in beginner English language classes were women who were non-literate in their native languages. Most have shown dramatic improvement in English language comprehension. In addition, other refugees have arrived from Guatemala, Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Ukraine, and Yemen and had access to this program.

Together with our partners and community co-sponsors, 黑料社区 and World Learning are creating a holistic, wrap-around program linking language and skills learning directly to job training and professional opportunities. The NVEP classes in English and cultural orientation are empowering New Vermonters to develop critical language skills, successfully navigate cultural norms and processes, and engage with their neighbors. With ongoing support, refugees are filling some of the 10,000 open trade jobs, advancing local commerce, and directly countering elevated out-migration rates in Vermont. In turn, this is building a greater sense of community in southern Vermont and helping refugees feel fully welcomed, self-sufficient, and part of community.

A circle of hands of different skin colors, closed with palms down.

Working in coalition

Through partnership, World Learning and 黑料社区 are committed to the long-term sustainability of this program in Vermont. In addition to engaging regularly in local coalitions in southern Vermont, we are also active participants in multiple national networks to share our experience and learn from others working in refugee resettlement across the United States.

World Learning and 黑料社区 are members of the Welcome.US , a group of higher education institutions and allies that are directly providing some core refugee support services, working in partnership with resettlement agencies. From housing refugees to healthcare and directly enrolling students in academic programs, these higher education institutions are critical partners for welcoming newcomers into their communities.

Likewise, World Learning and 黑料社区 are part of the National Housing Working Group. In that context, we have shared how we effectively leveraged campus facilities to provide temporary housing to new Vermonters upon their arrival in the region.

Template for a national model

Building on more than a year of direct refugee resettlement collaboration, in May 2023, World Learning announced the launch of an ambitious, three-year partnership funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), aimed at bringing U.S. colleges and universities more deeply into the refugee resettlement process.

is a collaboration led by World Learning, in partnership with the Presidents鈥 Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, Welcome.US, a national initiative to mobilize Americans to welcome those seeking refuge in the U.S., and ECDC鈥榮 national office in Virginia.

The initiative seeks to build the capacity of higher education institutions to directly support refugee resettlement efforts and improve outcomes for new Americans, especially during their first 90 days in the United States.